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Videosync 2 Beta

2.0.0 (237)

September 2, 2024
  • Updated the Demo Set for Videosync 2.0.

This is the final build for the Videosync 2.0 Beta.

2.0.0 (236)

August 31, 2024


  • On Windows, Videosync's Main output window will now always spawn on top of other applications at startup.


  • Fixed an issue where the 'Alpha Out' toggle in the Return Track settings would not be disabled when the current license doesn't support this option.
  • Fixed a bug in Displacement where Shift would shift the image in the wrong direction.

2.0.0 (235)

August 25, 2024


  • Updated a few texts in the installation steps of the User Library installer.
  • Clicking the triangle above the Rotation dial in Feedback, Gradient or Transform will now reset the dial to its default value.
  • Color Utility: Renamed shortname "Mult" to "Alpha Mult".
  • Color Utility: Renamed shortname "Brightness Invert" to "Bright Invert".


  • Colorize and Gradient now work as expected again.
  • Fixed a bug in Voronoi, where some Rotation values led to deformation of the voronoi cells.
  • On macOS, Videosync's Status icon in the macOS menu bar now looks as expected again while the "Show FPS" option is disabled.
  • Simpler no longer prints errors in the Max for Live console window when dropped onto a track/chain.

2.0.0 (234)

August 20, 2024

New features and improvements

This build fixes an bug that prevented Videosync from auto updating. This build has to be downloaded and manually.

Video Simpler

The following changes to Video Simpler are breaking changes, meaning that they may affect existing projects.

  • Release time is now independent of selected region size. Fade In and Fade Out remain as they were - meaning that their maximum value is equal to the region size.
  • The maximum Release time is changed from 20s to 60s, conforming with Live's Simpler. Fade In and Fade Out maximums are changed from 20s to 2s.
  • When Attack/Release times are changed, the changes are now applied to currently running envelopes as well.

Other improvements

  • Feedback: 'Difference' and 'Max' blend modes produce results that are more closely in line with what's expected and usable, as well as consistent with alpha.
  • Transform: Reverted a few user interface changes.


  • Fixed a bug in Feedback, where "This Track" mode was broken and did not apply any feedback.
  • Fixed a bug where sidechain selection would not always correctly be (re)set.
  • Fixed a bug where plugins using polar coordinates would occasionally show visual artifacts.
  • Fixed a bug in the Transform device, where hovering over Offset X/Y parameters was not detected and reflected in the GUI.

2.0.0 (233)

August 7, 2024

New features and improvements

Settings window

  • Added a dropdown menu for 'Resolution', providing several standard resolutions to choose from, as well as "Same As Window" and "Custom".
  • Added a 'Switch Orientation' button to 'Resolution', which switches the width and height values while a default or custom resolution is selected. The button is disabled while "Same As Window" is selected.
  • Moved the 'Checkerboard Background' toggle from the Render Settings section to the Main Window section.
  • Renamed 'Network' section to 'Networked Mode'.
  • Renamed 'File Path' to 'Local File Path'.

Other improvements

  • Improved the time it takes for clips to become visible after seeking (changing the playhead position on the timeline) on Windows.
  • When entering license information on the License tab in the Settings window, it is no longer possible to (accidentally) enter empty spaces.
  • Updated various info texts of various devices.
  • Plugin SDK: All panels in the Examples device now use a corner rounding of 4px instead of 8px.
  • Improved the colors of the Parameter Control dials in the ISF Shader device.
  • Improved support for simultaneous use of Videosync with an upcoming release of Beam for Live.


  • Fixed a bug that caused muted clips in Arrangement View to remain visible on Windows. On Mac this was only the case for HAP encoded videos, but this is now fixed as well.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the License tab to not display the correct license information under some circumstance after activating a license.
  • Fixed an issue where Video Simpler's display would not show any frames under some circumstances.
  • Fixed a broken link of a button in the Video Simpler device that appears on Windows when the VIDDLL package is not yet installed.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Start Marker adjustments to be ignored when using unwarped video clips in Arrangement View.
  • Fixed a bug in Colorize, where colors would reset when toggling 'Alpha Thru' after selecting color(s) with the Color Picker.

2.0.0 (232)

July 12, 2024


  • When (re)opening the Settings window, it always opens on the first tab (Video).
  • Updated the usage of dynamic colors across all instruments, effects and Plugin SDK, ensuring optimal readability of text and values in Live 11 and Live 12's light/dark mode.
  • Minimum required Live version for all instruments, effects and Plugin SDK is now Live 11.1.
  • Minimum required Max version for all instruments, effects and Plugin SDK is now Max 8.3.


  • Fixed an issue where the Showsync Control Surface was not detected by Live 12.1.
  • Updated various info texts.

2.0.0 (231)

July 10, 2024
  • Blur: the "Stretch Angle" parameter was renamed to "Blur Angle". This is a breaking change, meaning automation envelopes will be lost/reset for this parameter.

2.0.0 (230)

July 9, 2024


  • Changed the font to Roboto throughout the application.
  • Removed the Sidechain option in the Feedback device.
  • Various minor UI tweaks and improvements in various devices.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where some videos would look distorted when playing them with Video Simpler.
  • Fixed an issue with Lava's Dry/Wet parameter that caused glitch output when its value was set to 0%.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Voronoi's Dry/Wet parameter to have no effect.

2.0.0 (229)

July 4, 2024
  • Fixed a crash when using the the internal Alpha blend mode of Simpler.
  • Preferences/Settings: Changed the text "Show Checkerboard" to "Checkboard Background".

2.0.0 (228)

July 1, 2024

New features and improvements

Windows platform support

Videosync 2 marks the first release for the Windows platform, offering a fully-featured application identical to its macOS counterpart.

Live 12

For Windows, Videosync 2 is officially supported for use with Live 12 only. This is due to Live 11 being less stable than Live 12 when working with video on Windows, which means that we cannot guarantee the same level of reliability with Live 11 on Windows. Ableton Live 12 features an updated video engine which offers better stability and broader video codec support out of the box.

New application user interface

The exterior of all application windows has been updated.

  • The Settings window now has a new default “Video” tab. All settings from the old Control Panel window can now be found on this new Video tab in the Settings window (CTRL/CMD + ,).
  • Render settings now contains a toggle to display a checkerboard background.
  • Network and Spout/Syphon settings have been moved to the new Video tab.
  • Always On Top is now enabled by default when opening Videosync 2 for the first time.
  • The new Settings window also supports keyboard navigation:
    • Press the TAB key to select and focus on the first parameter on the selected tab.
    • Press the TAB key again to go to the next parameter.
    • Press Escape to release focus.
    • Press Enter to confirm while a button or toggle is selected.
  • The Control Panel window has been renamed to Console window, and now only contains the Console and shows realtime information about:
    • Average Frames Per Second
    • Minimum Frame Time
    • Maximum Frame Time
  • The User Library content installer:
    • Updated the videos that show how to select the Control Surface in Live 12.
    • The time that each step of the installation takes has been reduced.
    • The last step of the installer is removed. Instead, when asked to "Get started with our Demo Project’, clicking Yes or No will now close the window.

Improved alpha channel handling

All blending modes have been enhanced, and alpha handling has been refined for increased flexibility and precision in compositing.

Oklab blending method

Most devices that deal with color now include a toggle to switch to the Oklab blending method. Regular RGB mixes colors with linear interpolation over the RGB channels. Oklab mixes the colors according to the Oklab color space, which generally produces more uniform looking transitions in terms of perceived brightness and color.

Device updates

Every device in the suite has undergone extensive reevaluation and updates, with a focus on refining shader code to enhance both efficiency and the quality of visual output. Devices have been thoughtfully consolidated or separated based on their functionality, providing a streamlined and more user-friendly experience.

Effect devices


Replaces BloomBlur. Features 3 new Blur modes: "Blur / Bloom", "Bokeh" and "Sharpen".

  • Blur / Bloom: Simple blur when "Source Gain" is set to 0. Increasing "Source Gain" and "Threshold" creates a bloom effect, causing a soft glow around bright areas in an image, emulating light diffusion.
  • Bokeh: Replicates the aesthetic of out-of-focus regions in photography, resulting in soft circular or hexagonal shapes.
  • Sharpen: Increases edge contrasts for more defined images.

Color Mixer

Absorbs the "Mult" and "Curve" parameters of Color Control. To invert the "Gain" of components, use the respective invert switches next to the "Gain" dials.

Color Utility

Replaces BrightnessContrast and HueSaturation devices. The ranges of the "Brightness", "Contrast", "Hue" and "Saturation" parameters have been adjusted.

New parameters
  • Mode: A toggle to switch between RGB and YUV to determine the color distance calculation type.
  • Mid: A slider to set the luminance/brightness reference point for applying contrast.
  • Brightness Invert: Inverts the brightness in respect to the chosen Mode.
  • Alpha Mult: Multiplies the alpha values of the incoming image.
  • Alpha Consolidate: When enabled, all pixel colors are multiplied with the pixel alpha values, and alpha is set to 1. This results in the input image becoming completely opaque.


Replaces most of ColorControl, adding more refined controls for the three color bands, as well as the ability to work with alpha.

New parameters
  • A new graphical user interface shows how different luminosities are translated to their new colors, using a horizontal slider to set the "Mid Point" for the "Mid Color".
  • Alpha Thru: While enabled, alpha values from the incoming image are retained. While disabled, alpha values are overwritten with the Dark, Mid and Light alpha values.

Crop Map

Minor user interface updates.


Instead of using X and Y coordinates, Displacement now uses polar coordinates ("Distance", "Angle"). The device also features a new graphical user interface to view and set the Displacement coordinates.

New parameters
  • Displacement Distance: Specifies the amount of dispalacement to be applied to the video, based on the incoming signal's component factor.
  • Displacement Angle: Specifies the angle of the displacement to be applied to the video, based on the incoming signal's component factor.
  • Multiply: Multiplies the amount of displacement to be applied. Can have negative values.
  • Contour: Sets the amount of blur to apply to the Sidechain input (Displacement Map).
  • Shift: Acts as a counterweight for the displacement amount, moving pixels in the opposite direction of that set in the Displace coordinates.


The revised Feedback offers new approaches and controls to create exciting and smooth feedback effects. Instead of only using an internal feedback loop, the loop can also include devices following in the chain by selecting "This Track". Two graphical user interfaces are available to adjust the position and size of the feedback window.

New parameters
  • Feedback Loop: A toggle to switch between the internal feedback loop and the feedback loop that includes devices following in the chain.
  • Input Gain: Adjusts the brightness of the incoming video before entering the feedback loop.
  • Wrap Mode: Sets the behavior for pixels that are outside the window borders.
  • Wrap Gain: Sets the brightness of the pixels that are outside the window borders.
  • Feedback Mix: Sets the ratio of feedback video versus incoming video.
  • Blend Mode: Sets the blend mode that defines how the feedbacked signal blends with the incoming signal.
  • Scale, Anchor, Rotation, Offset: Adjusts the position and size of the feedback window.


  • Now features a "Dry/Wet" parameter for each color, as well as separate "Alpha" parameters for each color.
  • Now features a single Color Format toggle for both colors.
  • Minor user interface updates.

ISF Shader

  • ISF Loader was renamed to ISF Shader.
  • Minor user interface updates.
  • A "Dry/Wet" parameter is now automatically added to all shaders.
  • After choosing a file with the "Browse" button, the folder path is remembered next time "Browse" is pressed. This works on a per Live Set basis, and the path is only remembered as long as one ISF Loader device is present in the Live Set.


  • Sidechain inputs are now placed on the left side of the device.
  • "Color" is the new default mode and contains new parameters.
  • Updated keying methods ("Chroma" and "Oklab").


Created by audiovisual artist Tarik Barri, akin to Voronoi, Lava is a hybrid between a generator and an effect. Its pattern creation and image manipulation algorithms draw inspiration from Brownian Noise, emulating the variability found in many natural systems, giving an organic quality to the plugin’s output.


Minor user interface updates.


  • Minor user interface updates.
  • Now offers gradual interpolation instead of a toggle.


  • Can now be found in the Effects folder, and has received a complete user interface overhaul.
  • Features a new blend mode: "Crossfade".
  • Features a new toggle to switch between the RGB and Oklab blending methods.


Can now be found in the Effects folder, and has received a complete user interface overhaul.

New parameters
  • Display Switch: Switches between showing a log of status updates and history graphs of the frames per second and maximum frame times.
  • Clear: Depending on the active view, this button either clears the log of any received messages, or resets the history graphs.


  • Minor user interface updates.
  • Adjusted ranges of some parameters.


  • Minor user interface updates.
  • Adjusted ranges of some parameters.

Instrument devices

External In

  • Updated user interface.
  • "Device" is the new default mode.
  • Scale Modes are now set to "Scale to Fill" by default.


  • Features a new interactive graphical user interface that resembles the chosen square grid.
  • Envelopes are now set to "Free (ms)" by default, but can be switched to "Sync (beats)".


  • Minor user interface updates.
  • Now features a single Color Format toggle for both colors.

Video Simpler

  • Simpler was renamed to Video Simpler.
  • Envelopes are now set to "Free (ms)" by default, but can be switched to "Sync (beats)".
  • On Windows, if the "viddll" Max Package is not installed yet, the frame display will not function and a message will appear in the display with a button that once clicked will lead to our support website, offering instructions on how to install the viddll package.

New User Library folder structure

The User Library folder structure has been updated as follows:

User Library/
2.0 Devices/
2.0 Demo Set
ISF Shaders/
Plugin SDK/
Video Samples

Demo Set

The Videosync 1.1 Demo Set has been updated to work with Videosync 2.0, and now includes the original greenscreen footage of the 1.1 release trailer, so that a webcam input is no longer required.